Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daniel Radcliffe's spectacle souvenirs

Daniel Radcliffe’s spectacle souvenirs
Daniel Radcliffe has kept Harry Potter’s glasses as a memento from series of films.
Read more on BigPond News

daniel radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

Image by wolfsavard

daniel radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

Image by wolfsavard

daniel radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

Image by wolfsavard

Videoclip: Daniel Radcliffe Grabando la Voz de Edmund para Especial de 'The Simpsons' vía @bloghogwartsby Zullka (Zulem Alvarez Castán)

RT @TwilightPoison: Video: Daniel Radcliffe Talks About Twilight Spoof on The Simpsons bebels (Bella Belinda B♥)

Video: Daniel Radcliffe Talks About Twilight Spoof on The Simpsons twilightpoison (Twilight Poison)

Daniel Radcliffe Trivia!
Everyone thinks daniel radcliffe is hot?I DNT THINK SO DO U?HES UGLY!

Answer by angel_again
oNlY sPeCiAl pPl tAlK lIkE tHiS. stop it.

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