Friday, October 22, 2010

Jennifer Aniston's next racy role includes priest-kissing

Jennifer Aniston’s next racy role includes priest-kissing
Jennifer Aniston is clearly determined to take her career in a new direction. After details on all the scandalous requirements of “Wanderlust,” her new comedy with Paul Rudd, there are now a few juicy nuggets to be found in her next project, “Buttercup.”
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston

Image by Lord_Henry
Jennifer Aniston en la comedia Simplemente no te quiere (He’s Just Not That Into You, 2009), dirigida por Ken Kwapis. Más información en Cinematófilos.

Jennifer Aniston’s Yacht?
Jennifer Aniston

Image by RobW_
This sleek cruiser was anchored off Tsilivi Beach for several hours today. There were rumours flying around that Jennifer Aniston was aboard. Rory checked it out with his binoculars, but didn’t pick out Jen.

Local radio and press reported that she was on the island in a chartered yacht, so it may well be true.

IMG_2980 “Jennifer Aniston”
Jennifer Aniston

Image by SpreePiX – Berlin
Photocall zum neuen Kinofilm "Der Kautions-Cop" mit Jennifer Aniston und Gerard Butler. Regie: Andy Tennant

Kinostart in DE: 01.04.2010

Infos und Trailer unter:

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The sad tale of Jennifer Aniston's depressed dog via @guardianby rentinreading (Angela Longmate)

Access HollywoodCougar Town hunk denies tryst with Jennifer AnistonThe Province… our love of resident hunk Josh … hollywooddivas (Hollywood Divas)

The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.– Jennifer Anistonby ByeByeBills4Evr (Martin King)

Jennifer Aniston Trivia!
do you think jennifer aniston will ever win an oscar? If brad pitt does win one in the future, who do you think will get one first? jen or brad and why?

Answer by LotusLove
Jennifer Aniston would not stand a chance because she is a mediocre actress and she has not done anything big lately. She doesnt have strong star quality to excel her to Oscar. She is more like Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock- sweet and pleasant but not versatile enough!

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