Maria Sharapova: Engaged to Marry Laker Sasha Vujacic
Tennis superstar Maria Sharapova is officially engaged to Los Angeles Lakers shooting guard Sasha Vujacic, according to an e-mail sent to the Associated Press on Thursday. “We are engaged and are both really happy,” Vujacic said to reporters before the Lakers exhibition game against Golden State on Thursday. ”It’s good and now we can focus on other things.” Sharapova’s agent confirmed the …
Read more on Bleacher Report
Maria Sharapova
Image by code_martial
Maria Sharapova advertising for TAG Heuer in Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi. This is a picture of her, of course, not the real dame.
Maria Sharapova and her Canon Powershot Diamond Collection
Image by ChrisGampat
Original Story here:
My story: As my last story for my internship at PC Magazine, I went to South St Seaport to shoot Maria Sharapova’s official unveiling of her Canon Powershot Diamond lineup that people could win through a contest on Canon’s website. The other photographers next to me were from NY Daily News, Newsday, AP, Getty, NY Post and I believe the NYTimes. And they were all using Canons so it felt odd for me to be the only guy there using Olympus on the front lines right in front of her.
What made me really happy though was the fact that the Post photographer (who reeked of alcohol) kept saying that I wasn’t allowed to stand next to him because he didn’t have enough room to take his shot. The Canon reps fixed that and let me stay there because I had previous reservations.
I took my flash off because my mentor (Pulitzer Winner John Williams at Newsday) taught me to shoot that way. But I synched my timing to shoot with the other photographers.
To make a long story short–the only photos of the event that ended up being published were mine and AP’s. The Post and Daily News used AP’s. But mine…were all over the net.
It made me quite happy and made me realize that Olympus can hold it’s own against the bigger guys in terms of getting the right shot. That being said though, I still plan to move back to Canon (I used to use them) because they do better in low light and give me the features I need.
Also seen here on my article, "8 Great Tips to Get More Out of Your Camera Batteries"…
And here:………………
Maria Sharapova
Image by splitmilk
Maria Sharapova Wimbledon 2006
Against Anna Smashnova who lost
RT @espn Maria Sharapova engaged to marry Los Angeles Lakers guard Sasha Vujacic – what the hell? – by TheRyanBlack (Ryan Black)
What the? Sasha Vujacic & Maria Sharapova are getting married?! They were dating?! Hahaha congrats! @kc_castillo @charabalos01 @abalooshi – by katarambulo (Kat Arambulo)
RT @usopen: 2006 US Open women's champion Maria Sharapova is engaged to marry Los Angeles Lakers guard Sasha Vujacic: – by EmilianoRivera (Emiliano Rivera)
Maria Sharapova Trivia!
I saw the First Tennis Match 2 days ago it was of Maria sharapova & it was boaring & if u think that she gonne win 4get that coz i gonne do Voodo on her…. She’s not gone win its my gurantee , but i wish Nicole vaidisova , all the luck!
Answer by dancer
Nicole’s out. It’s just Maria or Serena left in the women’s tennis. Go Maria!
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