Friday, October 22, 2010

Mupu 4-H helps with Coastal Cleanup

Mupu 4-H helps with Coastal Cleanup
Mupu 4-H members Rayanna Rodriguez, Leandra Mijerez, George Lopez, Roberto Lopez, Lesley Veloz and Robert Dyer, along with adult leaders Susy Dyer and Carole Butler, participated in the Coastal Cleanup again this year, continuing their 16-year tradition of working to keep local beaches clean.
Read more on Santa Paula Times

George Lopez throwing candy at Wrigley Field
George Lopez

Image by swanksalot
George Lopez’s box seat at Wrigley was fairly close to our seats at a recent game. He worked the crowd like he’s done it a few times before. Threw a ceremonial first pitch (along with a few other dudes). Also sang "Take Me Out to the Ball-game".

Milk it, George, milk it…

George Lopez holding court at Wrigley
George Lopez

Image by swanksalot
George Lopez’s box seat at Wrigley was fairly close to our seats at a recent game. He worked the crowd like he’s done it a few times before. Threw a ceremonial first pitch (along with a few other dudes). Also sang "Take Me Out to the Ball-game".

Milk it, George, milk it…

George Lopez Shows Off His Obama Shirt
George Lopez

Image by New Mexico Independent Pics
Comedian George Lopez had the crowd in stitches as he said he’d been to Sadie’s, El Pinto, El Modelo, and had even gone to Frontier for a drunken late-night meal. Photo by Gwyneth Doland.

Just smoked a ciggy, I wonder if Ariel & David were there with me… Anyways, straightening my hair now & watching George Lopez (: – by dear_kaye (K.)

George Lopez is a dam fool lol – by KingJaffeJo_ (Eric)

RT @OfficialDOGNews: @mrsdogc George Lopez & DOG Grab TEAM COCO's Computers stormyrules (Karen Barker)

George Lopez Trivia!
I attend a school where many latino students attend and we were thinking of bringing George Lopez, not for sure yet. Does anyone know how much he would charge for a community college? or if he would even do it? and if so how to get contact information??

Answer by Rose P

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