Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holiday Weekend Scandals

Holiday Weekend Scandals
Surprise! Tom DeLay was just convicted, joining a long list of famous faces that made news during a quiet dumping ground. Rebecca Dana remembers the divorces, pardons, and resignations.
Read more on The Daily Beast via Yahoo! News

Phil Donahue Clothes Coming Off
Rush Limbaugh

Image by Eddie~S
At the Phil Donahue show in New York sometime between 1990 and 1992. Rush Limbaugh was one of the guests.

Reading Sunday Funnies
Rush Limbaugh

Image by sixes & sevens
Dad (far left) and his fellow students from Sacramento City College reading the Sunday comics over KFBK, ca. 1938.

I have no idea whether Dad knew that KFBK is where Rush Limbaugh got his start. I am certain he’d be horrified to be associated, however loosely.

The World as Seen by Neill Blomkamp
Rush Limbaugh

Image by owenkohai
Or maybe Rush Limbaugh.

man FUCK RUSH LIMBAUGH. FOR REAL – by angelabriana (angela )

Driving to Thanksgiving Dinner and my Dad is listening to the November 3rd broadcast of Rush Limbaugh. #TFM @totalfratmoveby DubyaWilliamson (Justin W. Williamson)

RT @Question210: Rush Limbaugh is an idiot — #Amenby txbluntman (txbluntman)

Rush Limbaugh Trivia!
We are amidst an unprecedented government expenditure program that will devalue our currency and encourage deficit spending which will ultimately enslave our future generations.

Meanwhile, all people are talking about in the ‘politics’ section is Rush Limbaugh.

This is a diversionary tactic that has derailed Reps and Dems alike from the relevant topic.

Why can’t more peeps see this?

Answer by Sarah Palin 2012
I’ve been saying the same thing.

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