Michael Vick: Packers Defense Bringing the Heat On Vick
Michael Vick and the Philadelphia Eagles find themselves in a 7-0 hole early in the second quarter of their Wild Card matchup with the Green Bay Packers, and Vick is already feeling the heat from the Packers’ aggressive defense. Vick has already been sacked twice on the day, and has been pressured nearly every time he’s dropped back to pass. He has only attempted seven passes so far, and his …
Read more on Bleacher Report
Anna’s Hummingbird, Morro Bay, CA annas-hummingbird-9893
Image by mikebaird
Anna’s Hummingbird, Morro Bay, CA – photo by Mike Baird, bairdphotos.com and photomorrobay.com
Mike Baird. Canon 5D and "EF300mm f/2.8L IS USM" lens
20 Feb 2010 – I was pleased that PRBO Conservation Science used my Anna’s Hummingbird in their 2010 Annual Meeting call posted on the back cover of PRBO Conservation Science "Observer" Newsletter Winter 2010 Number 159.
20 April 2009 Creative Commons use note: Approved. Request: The National Wildlife Federation would like permission to use three of your amazing photos for educational purposes on our Wildlife Watch website located at:
www.nwf.org/wildlifewatch. The photos we wish to use are www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/2251299927/,
www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/2532645721/, and www.flickr.com/photos/mikebaird/262766480/. They will be used to help the public learn to identify common wildlife species found in the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. You will be given copyright credit every time the photos are used and NWF will also contact you before using the photographs in any other capacity. If necessary, we may need to resize and alter the photos to fit the Wildlife Watch website and we would like permission to do so. Thanks for you consideration and we look forward to hearing from you soon! Luisa Grant, Program Assistant, grant [at} nwf d o t org, National Wildlife Federation.
Reply: Luisa Grant, That’s great – thanks for asking. I’m honored you are using more of my photos. Best! mike@mikebaird.com – To the extent it applies, my boilerplate at www.flickr.com/people/mikebaird/ says "If you are using one of my photos under a Creative Common license (most are licensed for use with attribution), please attribute the photo in one of the ways as follows (listed in order of preference):
Michael "Mike" L. Baird, bairdphotos.com flickr.bairdphotos.com {link to framed image page} or
Mike Baird, bairdphotos.com or if you have limited space
and if purposed online, please link to the related Flickr image page if practicable. I would appreciate a note via Flickr mail or directly to mike [at} mikebaird d o t com indicating which image was used (please include the URL to the framed image page – not just "your otter" or a link to a static farm .jpg). If appropriate I will add to the image description a link to your project. You are also encouraged to add a comment to the photo with links to its use by you, and add tags (labels) to further enhance its visibility. If you use my image(s) in a printed publication, I’d love to get via postal mail a copy of the publication or tear sheets for my portfolio if practicable. Mail to Michael L. Baird, 2756 Indigo Circle, Morro Bay, CA 93442. USA. Life is short, and I get a kick out of seeing others enjoy my images in a responsible way. mike [at} mikebaird d o t com
Be sure to use the full-resolution versions available under "all sizes" for best reproduction. If you are using my image(s) in a composite such as a slideshow, screen-saver, flash package, etc., it must be clearly evident which images are mine via watermarks and/or or embedded/attached list of sources. It is not adequate to have a credits page elsewhere that states "some images are used from bairdphotos.com etc." This last point is especially relevant for for-profit uses of my images that are not purely non-profit, charitable, or educational in nature"
Megan Fox dans Transformers (a)
Image by nicogenin
En souvenir du 1er film Transformers … les photos qui firent découvrir la sublime actrice Megan Fox !
Vous pourrez trouver une sélection de photos à acheter ici : Jingoo
Michael Bain at the 2010 Celebration of Light
Image by cabbit
Explore #308 – August 18th, 2010.
Vancouver, Canada
I was worried that my photos of this year’s Celebration of Light might not turn out and I wanted to take the opportunity to challenge myself. So I brought some of my portable lighting gear down to the beach with me to play around & experiment with getting a balance between flash and ambient.
This is one of my first real successes at balancing flash with ambient.
The model is my friend Michael, who was taking a break from being my lighting assistant for the evening.
strobist info
Key – Nikon SB-28 at 1/8(?) power firing through a white shoot through umbrella, above and camera left.
Fill/Background – Ambient from the sun setting behind and camera right of the model
I forgot how "Michael bay" the rock was. – by Jtmiller75 (Jason miller)
RT @chrisremo: The Transformers 3 trailer is the most infuriating bait-and-switch I've ever experienced in a movie theatre. Goddamn you, Michael Bay. – by Count_Elmdor (Count_Elmdor)
@chrisremo @AdrenalineMJ Michael Bay's epic blast radius doesn't just apply to onscreen 'splosions, but to all childhood fun things. – by selmaleh (Sarah Elmaleh)
Michael Bay Trivia!
Answer by The Fabulous Feminist
What? I thought his movies were pretty good?
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